"Beyond good. Beyond evil. Beyond your wildest imagination." The 1986 animated feature film The Transformers: The Movie was based on the animated TV series by the same name. Set to a soundtrack of synth-based incidental music and hard-driving metal music, composed by Vince DiCola, the movie has a decidedly darker tone than the television series. Featuring Stan Bush's songs "Dare" and "The Touch", "Instruments of Destruction" by NRG and more.
Rather than just re-use themes from the television series (as was later done with G.I.Joe: The Movie), Sunbow contacted Scotti Brothers Records about adding a heavy metal edge to thesoundtrack. Rocky IV composer Vince DiCola was also hired to writethe synthesized techno-rock score, which would tie in well with the heavy metal songs.Stan Bush's upbeat rock music gives the movie it's inspirational motive, N.R.G.'s "Instruments of Destruction" sets the tone for the movie's villains, Lion's rendition of the theme song redefines the sound of the series, and Canadian metal band Kick Axe (aka "Spectre General" on the Scotti Brothers U.S. label) contributes to the soundtrack with two driving metal songs.
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