There are thousands of files in WikiLeaks' dump of data from the Central Intelligence Agency's Engineering Development Group (EDG). This organization within the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence is responsible for creating the tools used to hack into digital devices around the world in support of the CIA's mission. The leaked documents come from an Atlassian Confluence server used by the EDG's developers to track and document their projects.
So for the most part, the damage done by the documents isn't what they expose about the CIA's hacking and network espionage capabilities. Instead, the problem is the extent to which these leaked documents reveal the technical specifications, practices, and other details of the CIA's internal hacking tool development teams. Now, anyone accessing the documents can know how the EDG used elements taken from malware found in the wild to build their own and what the CIA defines as the "dos and don'ts" for developing attack and espionage tools. In other words, much of the tradecraft of the CIA's internal hacking teams has been pulled from their collaboration server.
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Mordin's loyalty mission involves his disturbing past working on the genophage. Once you've entered the hospital together, you'll interact with the Clan Weyrlock Speaker before reaching a laboratory with research equipment and a dead Krogan woman in an off-shoot room. Interacting with her will prompt a conversation with Mordin about his research and regrets. Then, before leaving the room, hack the terminal here to earn your Krogan Vitality upgrade.
During Miranda's loyalty mission, you'll enter and fight in what is essentially a warehouse. An elevator takes you down to this area, so don't take a second elevator until you've found the upgrade. After being attacked by Loki Mechs (and then a group of mercenaries, further down the hall) your squad can head across a conveyor belt. On the other side, there will be an office room with a hackable computer and a dead merc who can be searched to discover the medi-gel upgrade.
One of the omni-tool damage upgrades is found during Kasumi's Loyalty mission, as you're on your way out but before you reach the landing platform outside. After activating the mass accelerator weapon in order to explode the tanks, keep moving and take out enemies as you go. You'll drop into a room where you must fight Eclipse Troopers, an Eclipse Heavy, a YMIR Mech - and then a truck pulls up with even more opponents. Take them all out and head for the door but pause - because you locate the damage upgrade on the left side of the door by searching a dead mercenary.
This story mission asks you to find a Reaper IFF device. When you enter the reaper, you'll find a few logs with messages from Cerberus scientists. Turning left means you enter a large open space where you're attacked by husks, abominations, and a scion. Once they're all dead, the far side of the room has a research terminal you can hack to get the heavy skin weave upgrade.
From my experience I'd say that a battery that the buyer says is dead, is most likely DEAD. I never sold a new battery that was anywhere near dead. But the Chinese batteries were 50% dead on arrival, that's for what they call NEW? The Chinese batteries were like cells in freezer bags. The ones I sold had a stiff outer case. Those sellers relied on the 2 month shipping time from China to cut down the negative feedback. If the batteries got there in time for feedback they just state they sent replacements, but don't. 2ff7e9595c