There's a lot of hyperbole surrounding Destiny, and it invites comparisons to Halo. Destiny shares Halo's developer Bungie, Halo's first-person shooter approach, Halo's desire to balance solo modes with multiplayer, and Halo's vision of cyber-suited soldiers battling an alien invasion somehow linked to an ancient and mysterious planetoid that just happens by the Earth one day. The artifact is called the Traveler, and its arrival terraforms Earth's neighboring planets and inspires humanity to establish colonies. Then the Traveler's big nasty rival shows up, and civilization barely survives the ensuing battle between the two godlike entities. Long after this, the player's customized soldier heads through the wreckage of civilized planets, seeking out the truth behind the ancient calamity. Well, at least they didn't built cities directly ON the enormous deities, as they did in Xenoblade.
Bishi and the Alien Slime Invasion! [pack]